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Global business funder, Bibby Financial Services (BFS), has appointed a new Non-Executive Director... (more…)
#bank#British business#financial services
UniCredit Corporate & Investment Banking has appointed a new Head of Structured Trade & Export Finance (STEF) within Global Financing…
UK Finance, the new trade association representing UK finance and banking due to launch this summer, has announced its first…
#asset based finance#financial services#management
Bibby Financial Services (BFS) North America announced that... (more…)
#bank#commercial finance#financial services
DS-Concept, a leading international trade finance firm, has announced the promotion of... (more…)
#exporters#financial services#international
Sterling National Bank, the principal subsidiary of Sterling Bancorp, has announced the hire of a new Managing Director in the…
Unicredit Factoring, a company that specialises in offering products and services for factoring, has announced the appointment of... (more…)
Bibby Financial Services GmbH, a large independent provider of international banking services, has announced the appointment of a new... (more…)
#banking services#financial services#i
Sallyport Commercial Finance has announced the appointment of a new Senior Account Executive for the West Coast Office... (more…)
Wells Fargo & Company (WFC) has announced that it has named a new Head of Wells Fargo Capital Finance, the…
#bank#international#International Trade
The global trade and receivables finance section of HSBC in London is to restructure its head office... (more…)
Swift has announced the addition of a new Global Head of Trade and Supply Chain to their team... (more…)
#ABN AMRO#bank#Standard Chartered Bank
Sterling National Bank, the principal subsidiary of Sterling Bancorp, announced today that... (more…)
#bank#Bank of America#Sterling National Bank