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To better support the small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Egypt and help improve the financial environment for customers, in line with the Egyptian government’s strategic vision towards financial inclusion, Tadbiir for Leasing and Factoring (Tadbiir) has officially announced...
#banking services#financial services#international
Banks and building societies will need to assess the impact of changes to their services... (more…)
#banking services#FCA#Financial Conduct Authority
The Lithuanian fintech company SME Finance raised EUR 120m investment from a UK fund in... (more…)
#bank#banking services#digital
The Shore Group, a Hove-based recruitment agency, has arranged an invoice finance facility... (more…)
#banking services#capital requirements#funding
Northwest Bancshares, the holding company for Northwest Bank, completed its merger with... (more…)
#bank#banking services#management
Bibby Financial Services GmbH, a large independent provider of international banking services, has announced the appointment of a new... (more…)
#banking services#financial services#i
FCI has announced that Versobank AS has become its first Member from Estonia (more…)
#bank#banking services#bonds
Houlihan Lokey - the financial advisors - has announced that AmeriFactors Financial Group, which specialises in factoring and asset based…
#asset based finance#bank#banking services
MDM Bank has joined The Association of Factoring Companies Russia as a full member. It has been working in the…
#bank#banking services#banks
Deal to support brand diversification includes asset-based lending facility (more…)
#banking services#Corporate banking#funding
Invoice finance funding development in computer games industry (more…)
#banking services#funding#invoice
The federal draft law on Russia’s joining of the Convention on International Factoring (UNIDROIT) has been prepared in keeping with…
#banking services#banks#international
Banistmo, a new bank which is part of Grupo Bancolombia, will offer factoring among other services. (more…)
#acquisition#bank#banking services