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European Commission

World Factoring Yearbook 2024 reports mixed fortunes for Europe’s...

Europe’s factoring volumes in 2023 were disappointing for many countries, with growth of only two or three per cent or even less in nearly half the 18 countries profiled. On the other hand these results are way ahead of GDP...

#European Commission#GDP#international

European Commission quadruples Polish Scheme budget for state factoring...

The European Commission has approved modifications, including a budget increase of €5.1bn to an existing Polish scheme to support companies…

#European Commission

Payment terms and financial supervision: Are EBA policies too...

Vitor Graca, Secretary General, Portuguese Association of Leasing, Factoring and Renting (ALF) shares his views on the challenges of adoption…

#ALF#European Commission#payment terms

European Commission approves €1.2bn Polish scheme to support companies...

The European Commission has approved a €1.2bn Polish scheme (PLN 5.5bn) to support companies across sectors... (more…)

#European Commission

European Parliament approves new rules boosting intra-EU data sharing

European Parliament has approved the draft texy of Data Governance Act (DGA). The DGA, agreed with Council in November 2021,…

#AI#digital#European Commission

Factoring is the solution for Portuguese economic recovery

As a result of the pandemic, the Portuguese economy suffered a profound impact, similar to what... (more…)

#digital#digital transformation#European Commission

European Commissions announces new amendments to COVID-19 Temporary State...

On January 28 2021, the European Commission amended its... (more…)

#European Commission

EU Factoring Summit to take place online

EU Factoring Summit in the COVID world will take place online.  EUF and FCI join their forces to present this online version…

#conference#COVID-19#European Commission

EC approved €2bn trade credit insurance guarantee scheme for...

Under new EU State aid rules, the European Commission (EC) has approved a... (more…)

#European Commission#trade credit insurance scheme

EC approves €2.6bn Polish scheme to support companies affected...

The European Commission has approved a €2.6bn (PLN 11.5bn) Polish state guarantee on factoring products... (more…)

#European Commission

Euler Hermes casts doubts over gov’s credit insurance support...

Euler Hermes casts doubts over gov's credit insurance support scheme... (more…)

#channel#European Commission#insurance

EC approves German guarantee scheme to stabilise trade credit...

The European Commission (EC) has approved, under EU State aid rules, a German guarantee scheme to... (more…)

#European Commission#trade credit insurance

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