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SBI Factors is looking for certain regulatory changes to ensure that factoring takes off in a major way. Business is expected to grow significantly in the coming year along with the predicted increase in demand for factoring services from industry....
Canbank Factors achieved a turnover of Rs. 1,000 Crores in 1999-2000 and expect growth of 25-30% in the coming financial…
Adossag Borze Kft on Wednesday announced that it will launch an internet debt exchange platform for factoring companies from June.…
The bank is a market leader in Germany in the field of factoring, but has suffered a drop recently in…
Deutsche Factoring Bnak increased turnover by 8% to about 1.8bn euros in 1999. Annual net profits rose by 1% to…
Gerling Namur Profit up by 43% Gerling-Namur, the subsidiary of German Gerling Credit Insurance Group, saw consolidated profit rise 9…
Gerling-Namur, the subsidiary of German Gerling Credit Insurance Group, saw consolidated profit rise 9 per cent to BFr8.43bn in 1999.…
Belgo Factors, FMN Finance Housing and Ace Factors, the Belgian factoring companies, are merging today to form Fortis Commercial Finance…
#commercial finance#international#management
Hansa Leasing Increases Factoring Turnover Hanza Lizingas [Hanza Leasing], the leader of Lithuania's factoring market, hopes for further growth in…
#bank#international#international factoring
Siam General Factoring Plc said its board of directors had approved a plan to increase capital... (more…)