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Securitisation as a financial tool for African economies was given a fillip last week at the African Financial Industry Summit (AFIS) in Lomé. Togo’s Minister of Finance, Sani Yaya, speaking at the event said that securitisation “is indispensable, for the...
#receivables securitisation#Sani Yaya
SCHUMANN, a leading risk management advisor for trade credit and surety business... (more…)
The top-rated speakers at ITFA’s 48th annual conference in Porto last week shed light on ... (more…)
#conference#emerging markets#receivables
The world is in turmoil over Putin's war in Ukraine. Corporates and financial institutions face a perfect storm of disrupted…
#credit risk#SCHUMANN Risk Conference
On 31 of March 2022, HPD Lendscape’s face-to-face conference on... (more…)
#HPD LendScape#Ozlem Ozuner
“Digitalisation and credit risk management is a very important topic today... (more…)
The International Factoring Association (“IFA”), the world’s largest association of commercial finance companies, announced... (more…)
#bank#commercial finance#conference
The global Covid-19 crisis is developing into a driving force for... (more…)
The global economic crisis created by the Coronavirus has generated a new world for... (more…)
The annual Credit Risk Management Conference held by SCHUMANN, will take place on 1st October 2020 and for the first…
The annual Digital Credit Management Conference will take place on 26th-27th September 2019... (more…)
At HPD’s 2019 Lendscape Conference in London last week... (more…)
FCI, EBRD and The Turkish Financial Institution Association are joining their forces to organise a conference... (more…)
#conference#emerging markets#exporters