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1st Commercial Credit, LLC has closed a US$2m factoring facility for a rapidly expanding pallet manufacturer in the Mid-West region. The start-up pallet firm initially secured funding from a smaller factoring company but eventually surpassed the financial limits of their original partner....
#1st Commercial Credit#Commercial Credit#invoice
Commercial Credit, Inc. (CCI), a Charlotte, North Carolina, US-based accounts receivable ... (more…)
#Commercial Credit
German insurers are said to be in the concluding stages of negotiating a six-month extension to... (more…)
#Commercial Credit#conference#guarantees
Commercial Funding Inc., an american provider of invoice factoring and accounts receivable... (more…)
#Commercial Credit#funding#invoice
Euler Hermes' explosive announcement: the commercial credit insurer wants to withdraw commercial... (more…)
#Commercial Credit#German Factoring Association#risk
Crestmark appointed John Trendell II to a business development officer role... (more…)
#Commercial Credit#i#Vice president
The Argentinean Stock Market (MAV) registered the first factoring operation... (more…)
#Access to Finance#Commercial Credit#invoice
...launches MyBizPad™ Version 1.0 trucking invoicing software with an accounts receivable factoring module... (more…)
#1st Commercial Credit#assignment#Commercial Credit
Business Factors & Finance, a fintech services company operating in the US and Canada, announces... (more…)
#bankruptcy#Commercial Credit#risk
Merchant bank BDT Capital Partners has made a majority equity investment in accounts receivable and equipment finance company Commercial Credit.…
... a Texas based finance company providing invoice factoring services for temporary staffing agencies, has recently funded ... (more…)
#1st Commercial Credit#cash-flow#Commercial Credit
1st Commercial Credit announced today it will be subsidizing the cost of the software for... (more…)
...has created a new group focused solely on receivable finance of transport industry... (more…)
#AR#bank#Commercial Credit