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Sonan Bunkers announced yesterday that HSBC UK has extended their support through a £50m global trade solutions funding package. This package includes a crucial £20m uplift in receivables finance, designed to unlock working capital and bolster the company growth initiatives....
#Andrew Noble#Graham Furse#HSBC
U.S. Bank has introduced a comprehensive accounts receivable (AR) platform to help suppliers accelerate cash flow, cut costs through automation and…
#accounts payable#AR#bank
Gulf International Bank (GIB) Saudi Arabia won the ‘Best Islamic Receivable Finance Award 2021’... (more…)
#supply chain finance
Apruve, a US-based receivable finance platform, announced that it... (more…)
Cypress Hills Partners (CHP) reports that since inception in 2015, the Company has advanced... (more…)
#alternative lending#funding#platforms
Arbuthnot Commercial ABL has provided a flexible £8m receivables finance facility to support the refinancing of... (more…)
#Arbuthnot Commercial ABL
...xpanded its asset-based lending group...with the addition of a specialized team focused on,,, (more…)
#receivables financing
As e-commerce has expanded so has the demand for supplier funding sources... (more…)
I often get this question about how factoring and supply chain finance differ from... (more…)
Tradewind has announced the closing of US$10 million account receivable financing facility for... (more…)
FGI has designed a £3 million facility which accommodated ThisWorks business’ seasonal trends and allowed them to draw against... (more…)
Small business lender specialised in factoring and receivables finance... (more…)
#CML Group#invoice#receivables
Tinubu Square, a technology provider for credit insurance and receivable finance industry announced... (more…)
#blockchain#security#Tinubu Square