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Cynergy Business Finance (CBF), the asset-based lending subsidiary of Cynergy Bank, has delivered £18m invoice discounting facility to recruitment services business Smart Solutions. The facility provided to Smart Solutions and its associated entities, Heat Recruitment and Bridgestone Group, will provide...
#Cynergy Business Finance#working capital
Hercules Site Services (Hercules) has secured a new invoice discounting facility of... (more…)
Irish dairy cooperative, Ornua, announced recently that it has secured a new ... (more…)
Independent SME funder, Bibby Financial Services (BFS), has provided ... (more…)
ibby Financial Services (BFS) has provided a £4m invoice discounting facility to... (more…)
#financial services#invoice#SAFE
Converse Pharma Group has secured a £60m combined facility from Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and Secure Trust Bank Commercial…
#bank#commercial finance#invoice
Independent Growth Finance (IGF) has issued a £7.5, funding agreement with civil engineering and... (more…)
#Flexible Funding#IGF#invoice
A peer-to-peer lender provided TLM with a multi-channel P2P business loan to help the company free itself from expensive invoice...…
BNP Paribas has announced that it has provided a confidential invoice discounting facility (more…)
An Oxfordshire, UK, printing business has announced that it has secured funding from Leumi ABL. (more…)
Woodvale Studios, a label gift wrapping business which emerged from the administration of Concept Merchandise, has announced that it has…
BNP Paribas Commercial Finance has announced that it has provided a GBP7.5m non recourse invoice discounting facility for... (more…)
#commercial finance#invoice
3R Finance Limited, which offers services to recruitment agency start-ups, has announced that it has agreed a GBP1.4m invoice discouting…