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Fausto Galmarini is re-elected Chairman of EUF

Mr. Fausto Galmarini, a member of the Executive Committee of Assifact, the Italian Factoring Association, has been re-elected as Chairman of the EUF following a vote by the EUF’s Executive Committee, on 21 March 2024. His mandate takes effect immediately for a...

#ASSIFACT#commercial finance#Fausto Galmarini

EUF elects Fausto Galmarini as new Chairman

Mr. Fausto Galmarini, Chairman of Assifact, the Italian Association for Factoring... (more…)

#Fausto Galmarini

EUF ‘s legal study is updated

The EUF’s unique overview analysis of the legal and regulatory environments in... (more…)

#commercial finance#economy#Françoise Palle-Guillabert

EUF: First EU decrease of factoring turnover for 11...

The provisional 2020 data released by the EU Federation for the Factoring and... (more…)

#commercial finance#EU Federation#international

EUF announces factoring volumes in the first half of...

Data gathered on the European factoring market for H1 2020 has shown, for the first time... (more…)

#factoring results

EUF re-elects Françoise Palle-Guillabert as Chair

Françoise Palle-Guillabert, Director General of the French Association of Specialised Finance Companies... (more…)

#Françoise Palle-Guillabert

Despite strengthening of regulatory environment, EUF accomplish their mission

During the 5th EUF Summit that took place in Lisbon 21-22nd of March, BCR Publishing spoke with... (more…)

#commercial finance#digitisation#smes

EUF launches the comparative legal study updated

The EUF’s unique overview analysis of the legal and regulatory environments in Europe (and a number of important comparator countries)…

#legal study

Correction Notice

Please note: on the 15. May we published the news item entitled ‘FCI release new financial analysis’. The reference to…

#EU Federation

EUF announces factoring summit agenda

The EU Federation for the Factoring and Commercial Finance Industry (EUF) has announced the Agenda of the 3rd Annual Factoring…

#ASSIFACT#commercial finance#EU Federation

EUF publishes Whitepaper Report

Combining regular research from its Economics and Statistics Committee with the results of a confidential survey of eighty provider companies,…

#commercial finance#international#SAFE

EU Federation for Factoring elects ASF chief as vice...

French financial association chief executive to take up EUF role (more…)

#commercial finance#EU Federation#Executive Committee

First EU Factoring and Commercial Finance Summit takes place...

Industry bodies join together in order to support real economies of Europe (more…)

#commercial finance#exporters#international

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