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New data from Time Finance has revealed the worsening challenge of late payment debt as it finds SMEs are owed on average quarter of a million pounds in outstanding invoices.In a recent survey, the alternative finance provider to UK SMEs,...
#invoice payment#outstanding invoices#Phil Chesham
PrimeRevenue, Inc., a leading provider of technology-enabled B2B payments and working capital solutions... (more…)
#invoice#invoice payment#payment terms
...a unit of Petit Moyen Kapital – an Reserve Bank of India registered... (more…)
The factoring industry hasn't always held the most positive reputation among the small business community... (more…)
#invoice#invoice payment#management
Extended payment terms and late payments are a difficult... (more…)
While they’re often used interchangeably, accounts receivable... (more…)
#invoice payment
Accounting software providers MYOB and Xero are developing 'invoice finance' offerings ... (more…)
#invoice#invoice payment#platforms
The Governor of Saudi Arabia Monetary Authority (SAMA) ... (more…)
#electronic invoicing#invoice#invoice payment
Canadian financial technology provider Central 1 is linking its credit... (more…)
#business finance#fintechs#invoice
Another start-up is focusing on the cross border payments... (more…)
Invoice factoring company Interstate Capital is focusing on speed with its latest enhancements... (more…)
#bank#invoice#invoice payment
Businesses are being made to wait on average 74 days to receive payment for invoices... (more…)
Freight bill factoring is one of the oldest and most commonly used forms of funding for... (more…)