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Growth Lending has closed a US$2.5m, single-customer concentration working capital facility for a manufacturer of baby blankets and swaddling products.The manufacturing firm, which primarily sells to and has invoice terms of net 60 and net 90 days, will use...
#Growth Lending#Keith Kirkland#working capital finance
Keith Kirkland has been appointed Senior Vice President of Sales for Growth Lending... (more…)
#Growth Lending#Keith Kirkland
Unpaid invoices are likely to add to the cash flow challenges that SMEs experience during the Christmas period and into…
#Cash flow#cash-flow#Growth Lending
Birkin Cleaning Services has secured a £3.5m growth loan from the alternative lender, BOOST&Co, as well as a £3m flexible…
#Growth Lending
The Bristol-based lender Growth Lending, specialised in providing invoice finance, invoice discounting... (more…)