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Factofrance Launches Simplified Financing Solution for SMEs and VSEs

Factofrance, the French factoring company, has announced the launch of an exclusive, streamlined offer tailored for small and very small enterprises (SMEs and VSEs), including export invoice financing across Europe.This new offering, designed specifically for VSEs and SMEs, represents a...


Factofrance and Banque de France join forces to support...

In order to strengthen the development of small businesses in France... (more…)


Digital factoring – SMEs solution at Factofrance and BNP...

The second wave of the epidemic is here and that of the economic crisis should not be long either: it…


Coface sells its stake in Cofacrédit

Coface announces that it has ceded to Factofrance (Groupe Crédit Mutuel – CM11) its... (more…)


Insurance broker partners with GE Capital Factofrance to factor...

Gras Savoye and GE Capital Factofrance will provide factoring to businesses waiting for compensation via insurance claims... (more…)


French factoring grows but not fast enough

Despite of the 8.6pc growth in Q3 2014, the French factoring market is unlikely to reach the rates of 2012.…


French government to support factoring

Last week the Ministry of Economy and Finance launched a special month long mission dedicated to factoring development (more…)


GE Factofrance to provide EUR40m factoring facility

GE Factofance signs a three-year Factoring Agreement with a leading global compressors manufacturer. (more…)


Doux fails to secure funding from Natixis Factor

After facing complications obtaining a GBP35 million credit line from banks, Doux also failed to secure EUR10 million facility from…

#Credit Agricole#Factofrance#funding

French Factoring Market is Still Very Concentrated

There are very few factoring companies in France (25 at the end of 2000), and the five main players in…


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