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‘Factoring continued to grow in Germany’ despite pandemic

Germany’s GDP in 2020 fell by almost five per cent to EUR 3.33tn... (more…)

#Corona#German economy#German Factoring Association

YapıKredi Factoring awarded ‘Best Factoring Company’ by Global Banking...

YapıKredi Factoring has been designated Turkey’s Best Factoring Company at... (more…)


Credit risk software in Corona economic crisis for factoring...

Robert Meters, Editorial Board Member of TRF News and Head of Marketing & Sales, Global Business & Financial Services at Schumann,…

#Corona#COVID-19#credit risk

Alleged MX Factors fraud case latest; judge freezes assets...

Riverside, California firm MX Factors and its two Inland Empire investment arms -- all three accused of running a multi-million-dollar…


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