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Bank Alfalah

Bank Alfalah and Haball to launch digital supply chain...

Bank Alfalah has announced a partnership with Haball, a B2B payments aggregator catering to Shariah-compliant clients, to launch digital supply chain lending in Pakistan.Haball’s digital lending platform, “Wisaaq”, will now be available for use to Bank Alfalah’s corporate clients. Customers...

#B2B payments#Bank Alfalah#Haball

Pakistani bank and IFC partners for SCF

International Finance Corporation (IFC) launched an Supply Chain Finance advisory services engagement with Bank... (more…)

#bank#Bank Alfalah#digital

Pakistani bank provides funding for SCF development

...will provide a fixed grant of over Rs63m (US$1m) to... (more…)

#Bank Alfalah

Pakistani Bank Alfalah launches Milkait finance for SMEs

Bank Alfalah introduces Alfalah Milkiat Finance (AMF) to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Pakistan. The newly launched product is…

#bank#Bank Alfalah#smes

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