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Bank Alfalah has announced a partnership with Haball, a B2B payments aggregator catering to Shariah-compliant clients, to launch digital supply chain lending in Pakistan.Haball’s digital lending platform, “Wisaaq”, will now be available for use to Bank Alfalah’s corporate clients. Customers...
#B2B payments#Bank Alfalah#Haball
International Finance Corporation (IFC) launched an Supply Chain Finance advisory services engagement with Bank... (more…)
#bank#Bank Alfalah#digital
...will provide a fixed grant of over Rs63m (US$1m) to... (more…)
#Bank Alfalah
Bank Alfalah introduces Alfalah Milkiat Finance (AMF) to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Pakistan. The newly launched product is…
#bank#Bank Alfalah#smes