Trade finance provider 1TCC™ unveils inventory funding solution at BAFT Conference 

Capital efficiency firm 1TCC™ today unveiled its supply chain management solution and integrated inventory funding program to several hundred bankers and financiers at the Bankers Association for Finance and Trade (BAFT) Global Annual Meeting 2023 in San Francisco.

“With the 1TCC™ platform, we can offer our bankers a joint strategy to expand and diversify their product portfolio, penetrate the multi-trillion-dollar inventory holding market, and capture new segments”.

The trade finance disruptor introduced its namesake 1TCC™ solution and platform, the world's first platform to manage and optimise procurement, and hold and fund inventories for large, investment-grade clients – at a time when economic conditions are squeezing access to capital for many large OEMS, and bankers are looking for safer bets on quality assets.

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