Jerome Peze

Jerome Peze

CEO, Tinubu Square

After 10 years’ experience in the Audit Department at Arthur Andersen and Renault S.A and Finance Department at Paribas Group, Jérôme joined Euler-Hermes. At the time, Euler only operated as a credit insurer in France and focused on domestic risk. For 10 years Jérôme played a leading role within the Euler-Hermes Group developing both its international risk expertise and its international network. He was closely involved in many of the organization’s international acquisitions and openings. Jérôme held a number of leading management positions including Head of Risk in Sfac, Director Commercial and Strategy of Euler-Sfac, Chief Operating Officer of Euler-Cobac Benelux, Director Risk U/W of Euler Trade Indemnity, Chairman of Euler Risk Asia and Chairman of Group Country Risk Committee. Jérôme left Euler-Hermes in 2001 to found Tinubu Square and lead the company as CEO. As Senior Advisor for Morgan Stanley, during the last decade, Jérôme had been involved in number of M&A or equity restructuring projects, including completed operations, relating to well-established private credit insurers and ECA’s.  Jérôme graduated with a Master’s Degree from both the Stanford Business School and the ESC Reims in France, and graduated with the French Highest Military Academy (IHEDN).  Jérôme serves in the French Military Operational Reserve (Advisor, Chief of Staff Dept.) and as Advisor for International Trade (‘’Conseiller du Commerce Extérieur de la France’’, Member of the ‘’Commission de l’Intelligence Economique’’). 

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