Hashim Mansour Alhussaini Co-Founder & Managing Director, Monimove Hashim is a Business Management professional, holding a bachelor degree from the University of Business & Technology. He has +16 years of experience in Trade Finance, credit and risk as a Banker and managing different nature of Trading and construction businesses in GCC. Hashim Al Hussaini is a serial entrepreneur who is constantly developing business solutions for existing challenges. First, he co-founded Nobles Tree Building Solutions Co. Ltd., the main distributor of the Spanish NUEVA TERRAIN –SDP Factories and many different global brands for building materials in K.S.A. and MENA, Hashim always aspires to add value to the whole ecosystem, through Nobles Tree, he creates innovative solutions to support owners, consultants, contractors and technicians. Once the company took off and grew in the market, Hashim realized his passion for entrepreneurship. In 2017, he again co-founded a fintech company, the company is “MoniMove Limited” which is based in London, UK and regional offices in USA, Amsterdam and Dubai. MoniMove offers a platform that revolutionizes the current credit utilization, supply chain and trade finance models. The startup is growing fast, it is currently operating in UAE and KSA with plans in pipeline to expand regionally in the near future. MoniMove platform already won several achievements, it was selected as one of the best FinTechs by HSBC UAE in the “Connected FinTech Program”, it was awarded the Best Platform in MENA FinTech Hackathon for “Digitization of MURABAH Process and its going live with 3 of the largest banks in region along with some governments entities. With unrelenting persistence, Hashim was able to overcome several challenges, he has a deep desire to succeed and add value to global ecosystem. “Struggle and failure are the road to innovation”