Catherine Bridge Zoller

Catherine Bridge Zoller

Senior Counsel, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD)

Catherine Bridge Zoller is a Senior Counsel for financial law in the EBRD’s Legal Transition Team, which aims to promote an investor-friendly, transparent and predictable legal environment in the EBRD countries of operations. Since joining the EBRD in 2012, Catherine has led financial law reform projects across a diverse range of jurisdictions and has helped develop strategies for non-performing loan resolution in central, eastern and south eastern Europe, as well as in Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Turkey and Ukraine. Catherine also works on SME financial inclusion projects and is currently leading an EBRD initiative to promote receivables based financing, together with colleagues from the EBRD Trade Facilitation Programme and SME Finance and Development teams. Catherine is an alumnus of Clifford Chance LLP, where she worked in the firm’s London, Milan, Munich and Dubai offices. A UK and Canadian national, Catherine is a qualified solicitor in England and Wales and a graduate of Oxford University. She is fluent in French, German and Italian.

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