Angela KollSenior Business Expert for Trade & Supply Chain Finance, Commerzbank, Co-Founder, Marco Polo InitiativeAngela Koll has joined Commerzbank AG in 1990. Since then, she has been engaged in Trade Finance, working in Documentary Business departments in Frankfurt and London, Transaction Banking, Sales Strategy International and Product Management. In 2010 Angela also started to get involved in Supply Chain Finance. She was part of working groups in the Euro Banking Association (EBA) and Global SCF Forum to publish Standard Definitions for Supply Chain Finance and implemented the Bank Payment Obligation (BPO) in Commerzbank as a first digital solution in Trade Finance. With members of R3, Commerzbank DLT and other members of banks Angela founded the Blockchain Trade Finance initiative Marco Polo in 2017. For the Marco Polo Payment Commitment she is chairing the working groups of Product Users and for Key Features and is co-chairing the Rulebook Working Group. Angela is part of the ICC initiative for Digital Trade, with focus on the Uniform Rules for Digital Trade Transactions (URDTT).