Andrew Churchill Security Consultant and Researcher, Technology Strategy Andrew Churchill has over 20 years experience working in security within Government, Industry and Academia, in particular cyber security and financial crime. He has led the cyber crime task force and co-ordinated security technology requirements for HMG, acted as subject matter expert on a European Union cyber crime and terrorism programme, sits on the Federal Reserve’s Secure Payments Task Force, has recently completed the UK’s Open Banking Threat Assessment Exercises, and is providing guidance on mitigating actions to Regulators to prevent vulnerabilities being exploited. In addition to his consultancy work, he is also currently lead author of the British Standards Institution’s ‘Digital Identification & Authentication Code of Practice’, adopted by UK Finance as meeting their regulatory obligations, and is developing technology benchmarking in this regard in partnership with GCHQ’s Academic Centre of Excellence, Royal Holloway. He acts as a cyber/financial fraud adviser to numerous institutions and associations, including the Emerging Payments Association, Kompli-Global, Huntswood, inter alia, In addition to his first degree he holds Masters in Defence & Security Analysis (MA, Lancaster) and Information Security (MSc, Royal Holloway).