Stenn launches USD300m international trade finance platform

Stenn International Ltd., a UK-based trade finance provider, has announced that it has launched a USD300m financing platform to expand its capacity to help suppliers across the globe access and service buyers of their products in developed markets

Dancerace launch V5

Dancerace have launched their new version ‘5’ of their C3 product at a two day event near their offices in Bath on Thursday and Friday of last week.

CTG offers factoring “caution” to SMEs

CTG, a division of business and corporate training firm ILX Group plc, has advised caution to small businesses considering factoring as an alternative to refinancing in its latest advisory report for SMEs.

Crisis fall-out brings new supply chain finance opportunities for factors

For factors, the crisis has proved to be a bit of a curates egg. For some, the reduction in availability of credit insurance cover has meant that non-recourse arrangements, particularly cross-border deals, have been badly affected. But for others, the spread between the cost of borrowing and discount rates charged to clients has widened considerably...