Factoring in Finland - World Factoring Yearbook

Juha Harden, Product Manager at Nordea Finance in Finland, provides Factorscan with an overview of the Finnish factoring market covering industry environment, market performance, supply and future trends.

Euler Hermes Q1 turnover up

Euler Hermes, the French credit insurance company, saw its turnover rise by 7.2 per cent, to €478m, in the first quarter of 2005.

SMEs upbeat on output, exports

The Finnish Confederation of Industry and Employers, TT, said its index measuring the business cycle outlook for small- and medium-sized companies rose to 26 points in July from 20 in April, its highest level since 2000.

Finnish exports up after a six-month slide

Finnish exports made an upwards turn in September after a six-month period of dormancy and decline. According to monthly figures issued by the Board of Customs, exports grew by 7 per cent year-on-year in September to a total of Ђ4,100 million.