New Yuan lending to SMEs Declines in some regions

Wall Street Journal repots, new Yuan lending to China's small and medium-sized enterprises declined in some provinces last year as banks focused more on bigger clients amid the country's economic stimulus efforts, Zhang Jianhua, head of the People

A domestic realignment

China has been, in recent years, one of the most dynamic global factoring markets, exhibiting explosive growth as it has cemented its position as the largest export market and a leading country within the international offering. With rates of growth that have been the envy of other global markets, China's potential to become a leading factoring player has been significant and growing for some time.

Factoring in China - World Factoring Yearbook

Lin Hui, and Independent Consultant in China, provides Factorscan with an overview of the Chinese factoring market covering industry environment, market performance, supply and future trends.

DBS announce senior appointments

DBS today announced the appointment of two new senior staff members to its Global Transaction Services team.

DBS has named Ken Stratton as its Managing Director and Global Head of Sales for its Global Transaction Service