China provides the largest amount of SME funding of any nation in the G20

Movables financing has brought $ 3.5 trillion of funding to SMEs in China since 2004. China is providing the largest amount of SME funding of any nation in the G20. With funding options having worsened particularly in developed countries in recent years, Factorscan looks at an International Finance Corporation report on how the on going success of its initiative has brought help to Chinese businesses. 


 chinabuilding Movables financing has brought $ 3.5 trillion of funding to SMEs in China since 2004. China is providing the largest amount of SME funding of any nation in the G20. With funding options having worsened particularly in developed countries in recent years, Factorscan looks at an International Finance Corporation report on how the on going success of its initiative has brought help to Chinese businesses

New funding rules for SMEs in China

The Chinese government will give special consideration to micro enterprises when it comes to allocating funds to SMEs, according to amended regulations recently issued by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).