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French credit insurance group Euler Hermes (EH) has bought the remaining 30 per cent stake in its Belgian unit, Euler Hermes Credit Insurance Belgium, for Ђ55m, becoming the subsidiary's sole owner. EH bought a 25 per cent stake held by...
International Factors Belgium (IFB), has announced pre tax profits of Ђ6.7 million for the twelve months to 31 December 2002…
In order to combat delays in payment in commercial transactions, the Belgian legislator has transposed the EU Directive of 29…
#bank#i#interest rate
As of today, the company formerly known as Credit Lyonnais Eurofactor will be known as Eurofactor SA/NV. The Brussels-based company…
#BCR Publishing
Gerling-Namur, the subsidiary of German Gerling Credit Insurance Group, saw consolidated profit rise 9 per cent to BFr8.43bn in 1999.…
Belgo Factors, FMN Finance Housing and Ace Factors, the Belgian factoring companies, are merging today to form Fortis Commercial Finance…
#commercial finance#international#management