Tarja Gummerus of Merita Finance presents the latest analysis of the Finnish market

Market Performance and Supply  Factoring in Finland begin in the mid 1960s with two bank owned finance companies. Today there are four major companies in the Finnish factoring market, all of them bank-owned: Merita Finance Ltd, Op-Finance Ltd, Leona Finance Ltd and Handelsbanken Finance Ltd. These companies are all members of the Finnish Finance Houses Association and have close to 100% of the total factoring market between them. Each of these companies is also engaged in leasing and hire purchase operations. Over the past couple of years a number of new private factoring companies have entered the market meaning competition will become tighter in the future.  The market leader in factoring is Merita Finance, with approximately 65% of the market share. Merita’s dominant position came about as a result of the merger of Finland’s two largest banks in 1995.

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