Supply chain finance continues to accelerate, with global volumes growing by nearly 50% from the pre-pandemic period and utilisation also increasing dramatically. It is expanding faster than ever for new business as well as existing. Corporates are now fast-tracking their decision-making when it comes to approving supply chain finance programmes. BCR’s SCF Summit will examine:

  • The impact of the pandemic and other macro-economic issues on SCF?
  • How much longer these spectacular rates of growth can continue?
  • What are the latest innovations and trends in the sector?
  • How did SCF become a driver for sustainability and how to carry ESG principles and alignment through to supply chains?
  • The challenges of realising SCF’s potential to deliver ESG objectives?
  • Risk management strategies – changes due to the pandemic

Join the 8th Annual Supply Chain Finance Summit and find out the answers to these and many other topical questions on the future of global SCF development. Plus, we will be back to REAL networking! Live streaming is also available.

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